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CCCP Common Clan Portal
Published: 01/18/2012 20:23:32

Start Here


First check system requirements, then install Java 2 Standard Edition SDK, then install the CCCP repository database, then the PPF IRC Bot and finally install Tomcat. After all required software are installed, it's time to configure the web application. This is covered in the document you are now reading. Most installation documents contains screendumps for the installations made on Windows XP, but the principle and most commands are the same on Linux/Unix. Refer to the official product documentation for further instructions on how to install a specific product. This certainly applies to Unix/Linux enviroments, for which we don't provide screendumps at the moment.

System requirements

In order to run the CCCP Common Clan Portal (CCCP), you will need Java2 Standard Edition (J2SE) Software Development Kit (SDK) version 1.4.2. You cannot use the Java Runtime Enviroment, as the JSP files needs to be compiled on the fly. Also, you cannot use J2SE 5.0, and there is no current plans to support it in the near future. You also need a JSP/servlet container, a JDBC capable database (PostgreSQL, MySQL or Firebird, and optional the PPF IRC Bot. The CCCP Common Clan Portal (CCCP) is supported on any platform which can live up to the following requirements:

  • Any platform with J2SE SDK 1.4.2 installed.
  • Apache Tomcat 5.5.x
  • Apache Tomcat 5.5.x compat libraries
  • PostgreSQL 8.0.x, MySQL 4.1.x or Firebird 1.5.x
  • PircBot Plugin Framework (PPF) 0.5

Java installation

Refer to the J2SE SDK document.

CCCP repository database

The prefered database is PostgreSQL. If you go with our suggestion, please read the PostgreSQL document. If you choose one of the other two databases, read either the MySQL document or the Firebird document.


Refer to the PPF document.


Refer to the Tomcat document.

Deploy the web application

There are several ways of deploying to Tomcat. One method would be to use the Tomcat Web Application Manager at http://<hostname>:8080/manager/html by logging in as user admin with password tomcat (if that was the password you used when installing Tomcat), then upload CCCP.war through the Tomcat Web Application Manager

An easier way to deploy is simply by copying CCCP.war into Tomcat's webapps directory, e.g. C:\Programmer\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps if that was were you installed Tomcat. When starting up Tomcat through Windows services or with the command tomcat/bin/ on Unix/Linux, the application will automatically unpack itself.

If you wonder where to find the CCCP.war file, it's located in the directory where you unzipped CCCP-<version>

Copy config file in place

The file webapps/CCCP/WEB-INF/dbforms-config.xml contains information about your CCCP database repository. To make sure you are using the dbforms-config.xml that fit's your database, you will need to copy it from dbforms-config-<database>-template.xml where <database> is the type of database you are running.

If you are using PostgreSQL: cp dbforms-config-postgresql-template.xml dbforms-config.xml

If you are using MySQL: cp dbforms-config-mysql-template.xml dbforms-config.xml

If you are using Firebird: cp dbforms-config-firebird-template.xml dbforms-config.xml

On Windows use the copy command instead cp, or simply use the copy feature in Windows Explorer.

Enter connection details for website

There is only one file in the webapp that needs to be configured. This is tomcat/webapps/CCCP/WEB-INF/dbforms-config.xml which you just copied in place in the above chapter. If necessary, replace the username and password values in the dbconnection tag so it can connect to your CCCP repository database.


		id = "protomatter" 
		isJndi = "false" 
		default = "true"
		connectionProviderClass = "org.dbforms.conprovider.ProtomatterConnectionProvider" 
		connectionPoolURL = "jdbc:protomatter:pool:postgresPool" 
		conClass  = "org.postgresql.Driver" 
		name   = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/cccp" 
		username = "cccp" 
		password  = "cccp">
		<pool-property name="pool.initialSize"             value="5"   />
		<pool-property name="pool.maxSize"                 value="10"  />
		<pool-property name="pool.growBlock"               value="2"   />
		<pool-property name="pool.createWaitTime"          value="2000" />
		<pool-property name="pool.maxConnectionIdleTime"   value=""    />
		<pool-property name="pool.maidThreadCheckInterval" value="120"    />
		<pool-property name="jdbc.validityCheckStatement"  value=""    />

Now you need to restart Tomcat. On Windows you can do this in Windows servives. On Unix/Linux you must run tomcat/bin/ and then tomcat/bin/


You can now login as the default CCCP admin user with username=admin and password=test1234 at http://localhost:8080/CCCP/
After login, you should go to Clan profile and update the ircbot_stats_url parameter to point to the URL to where PPF's LiveStats.xml is located. Please note that file: can also be used as URL prefix for local files. Valid examples:

ircbot_stats_url = http://<servername>:<port>/<path>/LiveStats.xml
ircbot_stats_url = file:C:/PPF-0.4/plugins/ChannelCentral/LiveStats.xml (note the forward slashes)
ircbot_stats_url = file:C:/PPF-0.5/system/ChannelCentral/LiveStats.xml (note the forward slashes)
ircbot_stats_url = file:/home/jack/ppf04/plugins/ChannelCentral/LiveStats.xml
ircbot_stats_url = file:/home/jack/ppf05/system/ChannelCentral/LiveStats.xml

In case you use a http:// URL, you need to come up with a way of making LiveStats.xml available to your webserver. A few suggestions are Apache's Alias directive (if you are using Apache) or a symbolic link if you are running PPF and your webserver on Linux/Unix. If you are running CCCP Common Clan Portal and PPF on different servers, you could set up an automated job that copied LiveStats.xml through FTP from your PPF server to your webserver.

It's also in Clan profile you change other features of your website, for instance the clan's email, IRC channel and so on.

Customized look and feel with styles

This version of CCCP is XHTML and CSS complient. It is shipped with a few styles, you so quickly can change the look and feel of CCCP. The following URL’s will show you how the different styles looks like:


The default style is navy. If you want to use another style for you site, logon to CCCP and go into Clan profile. Set website_style option to any of the following styles:

  • navy
  • army
  • dark
  • fruit
  • freaky
  • girlish
  • desert

You can also make your own style by adding it to the file webapps/CCCP/WEB-INF/classes/, but make sure you uses all the required settings. Let’s say you made a style called gold, then you must have the following settings added to       = verdana,sans-serif = Tahoma
gold.font.size         = 10px
gold.font.color        = #cce5fd
gold.border.color      = #ffffff
gold.background.color  = #cce5fd    = #446cc0  = #9e4040 = #0000ff

Creating your own styles in requires a restart of Tomcat to pick up the changes.